SHAW. (Lieutenant, 1845.)
William Eade Shaw passed his examination 7 June, 1837; and from 1839 until within a short period of his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant, 8 Aug. 1845, was employed in the Mediterranean, as Mate, on board the Alecto steam-sloop, Lieut.-Commander Wm. Hoseason. His appointments have since been – 25 Aug. 1845, as Additional, to the Vindictive 50, bearing the flag of Sir Francis Wm. Austen, in North America and the West Indies – 13 Dec. following, to the Endymion 44, Capt. Geo. Robt. Lambert, on the same station, where he was superseded in the early part of 1847 – 27 Oct. in the latter year, again as Additional, to the Penelope steam-frigate of 650 horse-power, bearing the broad pendant of Sir Chas. Hotham on the coast of Africa – and 13 Jan. 1848, as First, to the Heroine 8, Capt. Chas. Edmunds, likewise on the African coast.