YOUNG. (One of the Junior Lieutenants.)
Brook Young, born 16 Aug. 1813, is third son of the late Sir Wm. Lawrence Young, Bart., of Marlow Park, co. Bucks, by Anna Louisa, the sister of John Jolliffe Tufnell, Esq., of Langleys, co. Essex and uncle of the present Sir Wm. Norris Young, Bart. His grandfather, Sir Wm. Young, F.R.S., F.S.A., at one time M.P. for St. Mawes, died Governor of the island of Tobago in 1811: his great-grandfather, of the same name, the first Baronet, was Lieut.-Governor of Dominica.
This officer entered the Navy 17 Nov. 1828; and passed his examination 4 June, 1834. At the period of his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant, which took place 3 Nov. 1841, he was serving in the Mediterranean, as Mate, in the Phoenix steamer, Capt. John Richardson. His subsequent appointments -were – 13 Nov. 1841, to the Vanguard 80, Capt. Sir David Dunn, also in the Mediterranean – 19 July, 1842, to the St. Vincent 120, flag-ship of Sir Edw. Codrington and Sir Chas. Rowley at Portsmouth- 23 Oct. 1843, to the Helena 16, Capt. Sir Cornwallis Ricketts, fitting for the Cape of Good Hope – 2 Feb. 1844, as Additional, for a very short period, to the Cornwallis 72, flag-ship of Sir Wm. Parker in the East Indies – and 1 Feb. 1845, to the Persian 16, Capt. Henry Coryton, in the West Indies. In 1846 he was dismissed from the vessel last mentioned and placed at the bottom of the list of Lieutenants. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.