< A Naval Biographical Dictionary

WRAYFORD. (Retired Commander, 1836.)

Michael Wrayford died about the commencement of 1847.

This officer entered the Navy, 7 May, 1777, as Captain’s Servant, on board the Bristol, Capt. John Raynor, with whom he continued to serve on the coast of North America and in the Channel, in the Iris and Inflexible, until 1780. He was next, from 1783 until 1786, stationed at Plymouth in the Blenheim 90, flag-ship of Vice-Admiral Milbank, Diadem 64, Capt. Symonds, and Viper cutter, Lieut.-Commander Webber. In June, 1794, he was received on board the Hermione 32, Capt. John Hill, in the West Indies: he was confirmed in the rank of Lieutenant (after having acted for some time as such) 10 Nov. 1795; and he was subsequently appointed – 6 Jan. 1797 and 24 June, 1799, to the Scourge sloop and Hydra frigate, Capts. Sam. Warren and Sir Fras. Laforey, employed in the Channel and again in the West Indies – 27 March, 1801, for about 12 months, to the Zealous 74, flag-ship of Rear-Admiral Thos. Totty in the North Sea and West Indies – 15 March, 1803, to the Sceptre 74, Capt. Sir Arch. Collingwood Dickson, in which ship, after cruizing in the Channel, he proceeded to the East Indies, whence he invalided in Aug. 1807 – in the course of 1809-10 to the Alcmène frigate, Neptune 98, bearing the flag of Sir Alex. Cochrane, Surinam sloop, Capt. Andrew Hodge, and another vessel, all on the West India station – 1 Nov. in the year last mentioned, to the charge of a Signal station at the Saintes – 29 Dec. 1813 and 8 June, 1814, to the Asia 74 and Tonnant 80, flag-ships of Hon. Sir Alex. Cochrane on the coast of North America – 9 June, 1814, to the acting command of the Doterel sloop, on the same station – and, in June, 181.5, for a short time, to the Royal Sovereign 100, Capt. Wm. Robt. Broughton, at Plymouth. He was placed on the Senior List of Retired Commanders 28 April, 1836.

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