PARSONS. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 26; h-p., 18.)
Timothy Parsons entered the Navy, 21 Oct. 1803, as Third-cl. Boy, on board the Busy sloop, Capt. Timothy Clinch, fitting for the West Indies; where, on following the same officer into the Osprey 18, he assisted at the capture, 17 May, 1805, of the Teaser French privateer, of 7 guns and 51 men. He continued to serve in the Osprey, under Capt. Rich. Walter Wales, on the Home station, until Dec. 1812 – the last four years and a half in the capacity of Midshipman; and he was next, until Aug. 1815, when he took up a commission bearing date 2 March in that year, employed in the Bellona 74, Capt. Geo. McKinley, Horatio 38, Capt. Wm. Henry Dillon, and Leven 20, Capt. Buckland Stirling Bluett. In the Bellona he made a voyage to St. Helena; in the Horatio he was engaged in protecting the Greenland whale-fishery against the American cruizers; and in the Leven he co-operated in 1815 with the royalists on the coast of La Vendée. He has been in charge, since 29 Aug. 1833, of a station in the Coast Guard.