LEFEBVRE. (Commander, 1838. f-p., 19; h-p., 17.)
Nicholas Lefebvre entered the Navy, 18 Jan. 1811, as a Volunteer, on board the Victory 100, Capt. Philip Dumaresq, bearing the flag of Sir Jas. Saumarez in the Baltic; and in the following Dec. was on his passage home in company with the St. George and Defence when those ships were lost. Becoming Midshipman, in July, 1812, of the Ethalion 36, Capts. Edm. Heywood and Wm. Hugh Dobie, he was, for some time prior to Dec. 1814, employed on the North American and Irish stations. He then removed, as Master’s Mate, to the Zenobia sloop, Capt. Nicholas Chas. Dobree, and while in that vessel had the misfortune, during the war of a hundred days, to be taken prisoner by the French. Contriving soon to effect his escape, he rejoined the Zenobia, and was in her when she escorted Napoleon Buonaparte to St. Helena. Previously to the return of the latter vessel to England he landed, it appears, at Ascension with a party of marines from the flag-ship, and was for some length of time employed on shore. We subsequently, from April, 1816, until Sept. 1818, and from Feb. 1819, to Jan. 1822, find Mr. Lefebvre serving on the Leith and North American stations on board the Driver 18, Capts. John Ross and Chas. Hope Reid, and Newcastle 60, flagship of the late Sir Edw. Griffith Colpoys. He next, in July, 1823, joined the Spartiate 76, and, in Aug. 1825, the Wellesley 74, bearing each the flag of Sir Geo. Eyre in South America; whence, in the following Nov., he returned to England on board the Tartar 42, Capt. Thos. Brown. On 3 Jan. 1826, nearly nine years after he had passed his examination, Mr. Lefebvre was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. In the course of the ensuing month he obtained an appointment to the Britannia 120, flag-ship of Sir Jas. Saumarez at Plymouth, where he remained until April, 1827; and he was lastly, from 9 June, 1834, until paid off in Oct. 1838, employed, as First-Lieutenant, in the Zebra 16, commanded by Capt. Robt. Contart M‘Crea (whom see), on the East India and South Sea stations. For his gallant conduct during that period, and more especially for the zealous perseverance he exhibited in the boats when in quest of pirates, Mr. Lefebvre, on the earnest recommendation of the Commander-in-Chief, Sir Thos. Bladen Capel, was promoted to the rank of Commander by commission dated 27 Dec. 1838.
Commander Lefebvre has been presented by the Royal Humane Society with a medal as a reward for his conduct in having frequently saved the lives of seamen.