CABBURN. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 17; h-p., 29.)
John Everrest Cabburn entered the Navy, 5 Sept. 1801, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Ardent 64, Capt. Wm. Nowell, lying at Sheerness, but was discharged 12 April, 1802. He again embarked, 3 May, 1804, as Midshipman, on board the Utrecht 64, Capts. John Wentworth Loring, Fras. Pickmore, and Henry Inman, stationed in the Downs; and, in Jan. 1805, he removed to the Ramillies 74, Capts. F. Pickmore and Robt. Tarker, in the West Indies. After witnessing the surrender of M. Linois’ squadron in March, 1806, and assisting at the reduction of the Danish islands of St. Thomas and Santa Croix, in Dec. 1807, Mr. Cabburn was next, in Nov. 1808, transferred to the Cornelia 32, Capt. Henry Folkes Edgell, on the East India station; as Master’s Mate of which ship we find him, in 1810-11, serving on shore at the taking of the Isle of France, and the storming of Fort Cornelis in the island of Java. In the course of 1812 he became attached, in succession, to the Illustrious 74, bearing the broad pendant of Commodore Wm. Robt. Broughton, and the flag of Rear-Admiral Sir Sam. Hood, Doris 36, Capt. Wm. Jones Lye, and Niobe 40, Capts. Wm. Augustus Montagu and Henry Collins Deacon. Under the former of those officers he served off Cherbourg, escorted a convoy to Quebec, and was employed with the force off Lisbon; and, under Capt. Deacon, he was at the surrender of Guadeloupe in 1815. Having obtained his first commission on 13 Feb. in the latter year, Mr. Cabburn was placed on half-pay on 13 of the following Sept. His last appointments were – 26 July, 1841, to the Ocean 80, guardship at Sheerness – and, 23 Jan. 1844, to be Admiralty Agent in a contract steam-vessel on the West India station. Since the latter part of 1845 he has been unemployed. Agents--Messrs. Chard.