SIDNEY. (Lieutenant, 1842.)
Frederick William Sidney entered the Navy 17 April, 1833; passed his examination 17 April, 1839; and from 1840 until the summer of 1842 was employed on the Niger expedition in the Soudan and Wilberforce steamers, Capts. Bird Allen and Wm. Allen. He was made Lieutenant into the latter vessel by a commission bearing date 31 Jan. 1842. His next appointments were – 20 Dec. 1842, to the Styx steam surveying-sloop, Capt. Alex. Thos. Emeric Vidal, stationed among the Azores – 14 April, 1845, as Additional, after a few months of half-pay, to the Cyclops steam-frigate, Capt. Wm. Fred. Lapidge, on the south-east coast of America – and, 1 Dec. following, in a similar capacity, to the Crocodile 8, Capt. Geo. Lowe, engaged on particular service. He has been on half-pay since the close of 1846.
He married, in 1842, Miss Sydney, of Newport. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.