WELCH. (Commander, 1846. f-p., 39; h-p., 15.)
David Welch died in 1847.
This officer entered the Navy, in 1793, as Third-cl. Vol, on board the Circe 28, Capts. Alan Hyde Gardner and Joseph Sydney Yorke. He served next, from Aug. 1794 until wrecked in Vigo Bay 6 Sept. 1800, in the Stag 32, Capts. J. S. Yorke and Robt. Winthrop; and, from the latter period until April, 1807, in the Zealand 64 and Leander 50, flag-ships of Vice-Admirals Alex. Graeme and Sir Andrew Mitchell, Driver sloop and Cleopatra 32, both commanded by Capt. John Naime, Milan 38, Capt. Robt. Laurie, and Halifax, Cambrian, and Favorite, all under the command of Capt. Naime. He then (he had been employed hitherto on the Home and North American stations) sailed for the East Indies, as Midshipman, in the Jupiter 50, Capt. Henry Edw. Reginald Baker. On his return he was received in succession, in Dec. 1808 and Feb. 1809, on board the Alfred 74, Capt. John Hayes, and Victorious 74, Capt. Graham Eden Hamond – the former stationed on the coast of Spain. After sharing, as Master’s Mate of the Victorious, in the operations against Flushing, he was nominated, 20 Sept. 1809, Acting-Lieutenant of the Blake 74, Capt. Edw. Codrington. Being, however, superseded 24 Oct. following, he joined the San Domingo 74; to which ship, bearing the flag of Sir Rich. Strachan in the North Sea, he continued attached until again ordered to act as Lieutenant, 8 Jan. 1812, in the Cumberland 74, Capt. Thos. Baker. He was officially promoted 3 Feb. in the same year; and he was subsequently appointed – 2 March, 1812, to the Devastation bomb, Capt. Thos. Alexander, stationed in the Baltic, where he came frequently into action with the enemy – 17 May, 1813, for nearly three years, to the Rivoli 74, Capts. G. E. Hamond and Edw. Stirling Dickson, under the latter of whom he assisted, while employed in the Mediterranean, at the capture, 30 April, 1815, of La Melpomène French frigate of 44 guns, after a brave defence of 15 minutes – 16 Jan. 1817 (after 10 months of half-pay), to the Queen Charlotte 100, flag-ship of Sir Edw. Thornbrough at Portsmouth – 18 May, 1818, to the Vengeur 74, Capt. Thos. Alexander, in the Channel – 19 Sept. following, to the Ramillies 74, Capt. Aiskew Paffard Hollis, at Portsmouth – 22 Oct. 1822, as Senior (he had left the Ramillies in July, 1821), to the Dover 28, bearing the flag of Sir John Poo Beresford at Portsmouth – in April, 1824, and Dec. 1825, to the Wellesley and Spartiate 74’s, Capts. G. E. Hamond and Fred. Warren, stationed on the coast of Brazil – 6 Sept. 1826, again as Senior (a few months after his return to England), to the Columbine 18, Capt. Wm. Symonds, under whom he was for nine months employed on experimental cruizes in the Channel – 26 Feb. 1836, to the command, which he retained until July, 1841, of the Swift packet, on the Falmouth station – and, 22 Nov. 1844, to the Victory 104, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Hyde Parker, Admiral-Superintendent at Portsmouth. He continued in the ship last mentioned until advanced to the rank of Commander 9 Nov. 1846.
Commander Welch was married, and has left issue. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.