GODWIN. (Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1840. f-p., 18; h-p., 49.)
Matthew Godwin was born 25 Dec. 1766.
This officer entered the Navy, 17 May, 1780, as a Volunteer, on board the Foudroyant 84, Capt. John Jervis, and, on 21 April, 1782, assisted, as Midshipman, at the capture, after a gallant action of nearly an hour, attended, however, with no casualty to the British, of the French 74-gun ship Pégase, whoso loss, besides being seriously damaged, amounted, out of a crew of 700 men, to 80 killed and wounded. From May in the same year, until the receipt of his first commission, 1 Aug. 1794, Mr. Godwin, with intervals, served, on the West India and Home stations, in the Pigmy brig, Capt. Wm. Mitchel, Triumph 74, Capt. Rich. Onslow, Flirt brig, Capt. Jas. Norman, Prudente 38, Capt. Henry Trollope, Active frigate, Capt. Edm. Nagle, and Royal George 100, flag-ship of Lord Bridport. He then joined the Bellerophon 74, Capts. Wm. Hope and Lord Cranstoun, and was afterwards appointed to the Commerce de Marseilles, Capt. Child, and to the Prince George, Glory, Thunderer, and Tremendous, flag-ships, latterly at the Cape of Good Hope and in the East Indies, of Sir Hugh Cloberry Christian. In the capacity of Commander, a rank he attained 15 Jan. 1802, Capt. Godwin next, on 23 June, 1803, joined the Trompeuse sloop, in which he cruized off the south-west coast of Ireland until 30 Sept. 1804. Having been promoted to Post-rank on 8 of the preceding May, he was then superseded; and since that period he has not been employed. He became a Flag-Officer 17 Aug. 1840. Agents – Messrs. Chard.