EDEN. (Captain, 1844. f-p., 13; h-p., 10.)
Thomas Rodney Eden is son, we believe, of Thos. Eden, Esq., by Frances, daughter of Capt. Hon. John Rodney, R.N.; great-grandson of Thomas sixth Earl of Westmeath; and nephew of Capt. Henry Eden, R.N.
This officer entered the Navy, 27 Sept. 1824, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Cambrian 48, Capt. Gawen Wm. Hamilton, attached to the squadron in the Mediterranean, where, and on the Home and North American stations, he afterwards served, as Midshipman, in the Seringapatam 46, Capt. Chas. Sotheby, Victory 104, Capt. Hon. Geo. Elliot, Challenger 28, Capt. Adolphus FitzClarence, and Hussar 46, and St. Vincent 120, flag-ships of Sir Chas. Ogle and Sir Thos. Foley. His appointments as Lieutenant, to which rank he was promoted 22 Nov. 1830, appear to have been – 9 Dec. 1831, to the Madagascar 46, Capt. Edm. Lyons, stationed in the Mediterranean – and, 23 March, 1833, to the Victory 104, in which ship, and the Britannia 120, he officiated as Flag-Lieutenant to Sir Thos. Williams, Commander-in-Chief at Portsmouth, until the receipt of his Commander’s commission, 13 April, 1836. His next appointment was, 4 Feb. 1841, to the Persian 16, off the coast of Africa, where he succeeded in capturing as many as 10 slave-vessels. From Aug. 1842, to Jan. 1843, he acted as Captain of the Iris 28, but then returned to the Persian, which sloop he brought home and paid off in Aug. 1843. Since his elevation to his present rank, 23 Sept. 1844, Capt. Eden has not been afloat. Agent – Frederick Dufaur.