JACOMB. (Retired Commander, 1842. f-p., 14; h-p., 33.)
Robert Jacomb entered the Navy, 3 Nov. 1800, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Fisgard 36, Capts; Thos. Byam Martin and Michael Seymour, on the Home station; where, until promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, 12 March, 1807, he further served in the Kite brig, Capt. Philip Pipon, Impétueux 84, Capts. T. B. Martin and John Erskine Douglas, and Dragon 74, Capts. Edw. Griffith and Matthew Henry Scott. He then proceeded to the Rio de la Plata and the Cape of Good Hope in the Cormorant, Capt. Wm. Hughes; and was afterwards, until July, 1814, employed, on the Irish, Channel, Cape, and Plymouth stations, in the Décade, Capt. J. Stewart, Donegal 74, Capt. Pulteney Malcolm, Scipion, Lion, and President, flag-ships of Sir Robt. Stopford (under whom he co-operated in the reduction of the island of Java), and, as Flag-Lieutenant to Rear-Admiral T. B. Martin, in the Prince Frederick. The latter was his last appointment. He accepted his present rank 29 Dec. 1842. Agents – Halford and Co.