< A Naval Biographical Dictionary

TISDALL. (Captain, 1815. f-p., 14; h-p., 34.)

Archibald Tisdall entered the Navy, in Oct. 1799, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Excellent 74, Capt. Hon. Robt. Stopford, with whom he continued employed in the Channel, West Indies, and Mediterranean, as Midshipman, in the same ship and in the Castor frigate and Spencer 74, until Jan. 1806. On 27 March following, having fought in the Northumberland 74, flag-ship of Hon. Alex. Cochrane, in the action off St. Domingo, he was nominated Acting-Sub-Lieutenant of the Hawke, Capt. Jas. Askew. On 28 June and 7 Oct. in the same year he became an acting and a confirmed Lieutenant of the Elephant 74, Capt. Geo. Dundas, also in the West Indies; he served next in the Mediterranean, from Oct. 1807 until April, 1810, in the Sultan and Excellent 74’s, both commanded by Capt. Edw. Griffith; and on 10 Nov. in the latter year and 7 April, 1811, he was appointed to the Harpy 18, Capt. Edw. Henry A’Court, and Scipion 74, flag-ship of Hon. Robt. Stopford, both on the Cape of Good Hope station. While attached to the Sultan he assisted in her boats at the cutting-out of several vessels near Genoa, and united, in Oct. 1809, in a pursuit which led to the self-destruction, near Cape Cette, of the ships-of-the-line Robuste and Lion. As Senior-Lieutenant of the Scipion Mr. Tisdall co-operated in 1811 in the reduction of Java, where he served in the batteries at the taking of Batavia, and was severely wounded as Aide-de-Camp to General Gillespie at the storming of Djojocarta, On the surrender of the island he was ordered, 28 Sept. 1811, to take the command, which he retained for a few months, of the flotilla of gun-boats stationed there. He obtained a second promotal commission 16 Feb. 1813; was appointed, 17 June, 1814, to the Rinaldo sloop, in the West Indies; and was nominated, 9 April, 1815, Acting-Captain, on that station, of the Talbot 20. He was officially posted 14 July following (a fortnight before the Talbot was paid off); and accepted the Retirement 1 Oct. 1846. Agents – Messrs. Ommanney.

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