SKYNNER. (Retired Commander, 1838. f-p., 13; h-p., 38.)
John Skynner died in 1846.
This officer entered the Navy, in 1795, as A.B., on board the Bedford 74, Capt. Robt. Mann, attached to the fleet in the Mediterranean; where, and on the Lisbon and Home stations, he served, we believe, from the following Dec. until April, 1801, the greater part of the time as Midshipman and Master’s Mate, in the Egmont 74, Capt. John Sutton. In that ship he was present at the evacuation of Corsica in 1796, and in the action off Cape St. Vincent 14 Feb. 1797. After he had been for 11 months employed in the Channel and Downs in the Ville de Paris 110, flag-ship of Hon. Wm. Cornwallis, Isis 50, Capt. Thos. Masterman Hardy, and, as Acting-Lieutenant, in the Nemesis 28, Capt. Edw. W. C. R. Owen, he was confirmed to the latter rank, 8 March, 1802, in the Amazon 38, Capts. Sam. Sutton and Wm. Parker. In her he brought the Duke of Kent home from Gibraltar, and then returned to the Mediterranean; on which station he held command, from 19 June, 1804, until 14 Dec. 1807, of the Hirondelle gun-brig. He was placed on the list of Retired Commanders 10 April, 1838.