BRETT. (Lieut., 1810. f-p., 1 7; h-p., 28.)
Henry Brett, born 29 Dec. 1790, is fourth son of the late Capt. Peircy Brett, R.N. (a participator in Admiral Keppel’s action with the Comte d’Orvilliers, 27 July, 1778), by a daughter of the late Capt. David Phipps, R.N. He is brother of the late Commander Peircy Brett, R.N. (1812), and of the late Lieut. Spencer Phipps Brett, R.A., who was under Gen. Skerrit in the attack of the bridge at Seville, 27 Aug. 1812; also of Major Wm. Thomson Brett, Hon. E.I.C.’s service; and grand-nephew of the late Admiral Sir Peircy Brett, who circumnavigated the globe, when Lieutenant, with Lord Anson, and was afterwards, in 1766, a Lord of the Admiralty. This officer entered the Navy, 16 Aug. 1802, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Dryad 36, Capt. Robt. Williams, employed off Weymouth; removed in Feb. 1803, with the same officer, to the Russell 74, in which ship he accompanied the outward-bound trade to the East Indies; and was there successively transferred, in June, 1805, to the Sceptre 74, Capt. Joseph Bingham, and, in Oct. 1807, to the Doris 36, Capts. Christ. Cole and Wm. Jones Lye. While in the latter ship he passed his examination 13 Jan. 1809; was invested with the rank of Acting-Lieutenant 23 April, 1810; and, shortly after his official promotion, which took place 29 Oct. following, was sent, in command of a detachment of seamen, to co-operate with the land forces at the reduction of the Isle of France. Lieut. Brett, who further assisted, under Capt. Lye, at the capture of Java, in Aug. 1811, was subsequently appointed – 6 March, 1813, to the Rippon 74, Capt. Sir C. Cole, on the Channel station – 16 Sept. 1814, and 23 March, 1815, to the Impregnable and St. George 98’s, flag-ships at Plymouth of Sir Wm. Domett and Sir John Thos. Duckworth – and, 8 June, 1816, after nine months of half-pay, to the Wye 28, Capt. John Harper, attached to the squadron in North America. He was paid off in Dec. 1818, and has not since been employed.
Lieut. Brett married, 22 June, 1824, Miss Mary Ann Street, by whom he has issue five sons and two daughters. Agents – Messrs. Halford and Co.