COTGRAVE. (Lieut., 1822. f-p., 22; h-p., 17.)
Rowland Burdon Cotgrave, born 1 March, 1798, is brother of Commander Edw. Stone Cotgrave, R.N.
This officer entered the Navy, 1 March, 1808, as Midshipman, on board the Pincher gun-brig, commanded by his brother-in-law, Lieut. Sam. Burgess; and in July, 1809, assisted in taking the batteries of Cuxhaven and Gessendorf. Having been discharged from the Pincher in Feb. 1811, we find Mr. Cotgrave, on 1 Oct. 1812, entering the Royal Naval College at Portsmouth; and, on leaving that institution in Sept. 1815, proceeding to the West Indies on board the Tigris 36, Capt. Robt. Henderson. From 5 Dec. 1817, the date of his passing, until June, 1822, he further served, as Admiralty Midshipman, in the Antelope 50, Rear-Admiral John Harvey, Helicon 10, Capt. Wm. Robt. Ashley Pettman, Impregnable 104, flag-ship of Sir Alex. Cochrane, and Iphigenia 36, Commodore Sir Robt. Mends; and during the latter part of that period appears to have been very actively employed in the suppression of smuggling and slavery on the Home and African stations. He then joined the Bann 20, Capt. Chas. Phillips; was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 29 Aug. following; and, after holding command for some time of the San Raphael tender, returned to England in March, 1823. Mr. Cotgrave’s next appointment was, 28 Nov. in the same year, to the Rattlesnake 28, Capt. Hugh Patton, fitting at Chatham; from which vessel he removed, 3 March, 1824, to the Ramillies 74, Capts. Wm. M‘Culloch and Hugh Pigot. Until Dec. 1825 he was afterwards very constantly employed either in raising men for the Coast Blockade, or in cruizing for the protection of the Revenue, with the Antelope cutter, tender to the Ramillies, under his orders. He next served in the Coast Guard from 14 May, 1836, until the spring of 1842; and has since been on half-pay. Lieut. Cotgrave married, 19 May, 1831, Emily Henrietta, daughter of R. Ellis, Esq., of Torrington Square, London. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.