WALKER. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 10; h-p., 31.)
John Walker (a) entered the Navy 9 May, 1806, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Swallow sloop, Capt. Alex. Milner, employed in the Channel, and off the coasts of Spain and Portugal. In Aug. 1809, five months after he had attained the rating of Midshipman, he removed to the Norge 74; and in that ship, commanded by Capts. John Sprat Rainier and Chas. Dashwood, he continued to serve, off Lisbon, at the defence of Cadiz, in the Mediterranean and North Sea, and on the North American and West India stations, until Aug. 1815 – the last 19 months in the capacity of Master’s Mate. He took part, in 1814-15, in the operations against New Orleans. On leaving the Norge he was presented with a commission bearmg date 17 Feb. 1815. He has since been on half-pay.