COLEMAN. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 20; h-p., 20.)
John Coleman (b) was born in 1795.
This officer entered the Navy, in Feb. 1807, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Goliath 74, Capt. Peter Paget, of which ship, after witnessing the bombardment of Copenhagen in Sept. 1807, he became Midshipman, 1 July, 1808. Under Capts. Alex. Rich. Mackenzie and Rich. Foley he next served for five years in the Zenobia sloop, and during that period was employed at the siege of Flushing in Aug. 1809, and afterwards on the Lisbon station. On his return from China in 1815, whither he had gone in the Grampus 50, Capt. Fras. Aug. Collier, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, by commission dated 5 Oct. in that year. Lieut. Coleman has held an appointment in the Coast Guard since 27 Oct. 1838.
He married, in 1836, Charlotte, daughter of the late Col. Riddell, of the H.E.I.Co.’s Service, and has issue two children.