BOURCHIER. (Lieutenant, 1841.)
Macdonald Bourchier, born 6 Aug. 1814, is eldest son of Capt. Henry Bourchier, R.N. This officer entered the Royal Naval College 6 Sept. 1827; and embarked, 27 June, 1829, on board the Madagascar 46, Capt. Hon. Sir Robt. Cavendish Spencer, with whom he proceeded to the Mediterranean. He passed his examination 14 Aug. 1833; and while afterwards attached as Mate to the Ganges 84, Capt. Barrington Reynolds, served during part of the operations of 1840 on the coast of Syria, and was present at the blockade of Alexandria. His appointments, since his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant, which took place 23 Nov. 1841, have been, on the Home station – 14 Feb. 1843, to the Excellent gunnery-ship, Capt. Sir Thos. Hastings – 18 Dec. 1844, as First, to the Actaeon 26, Capt. Geo. Mansel – 7 Feb. 1845, to the Vanguard 80, Capt. Geo. Wickens Willes – and, 8 July, 1845, to the Queen 110, bearing the flag at Devonport of Sir John West, under whom he is now serving.
He married, 5 Dec. 1843, Mary Eliza, eldest daughter of the late Rear-Admiral John Hancock, C.B. Agent – Joseph Woodhead.