TABLE OF CONTENTS. I. A DESCRIPTION of what is called a Roman Camp in Westphalia, by the Abbé Mann, in a Letter addressed to the President. 1—6 II. Some Observations upon the Life of Cecily Duchess of York, Daughter of Ralph de Nevil, Earl of Westmoreland and of Richmond, by Joan, natural Daughter of John Duke of Lancaster. Communicated by the Rev. Mark Noble, F.S.A. 7—19 III. Description of a Gold Medal struck upon the Birth of King Charles II. by the Rev. Mark Noble, F.A.S. in a Letter addressed to Wilson Aylesbury Roberts, Esq. F.A.S. 20—22 IV. A Description of an unpublished Gold Coin of King Charles I. in a Letter addressed to the Rev. John Brand, one of the Secretaries to the Society of Antiquaries. By the Rev. Mark Noble, F.A.S. 23—26 V. A complete List of the Royal Navy of England in 1599. Extracted from an Original Manuscript in the Possession of Dr. Leith of Greenwich, exhibited to the Society of Antiquaries by William Latham, Esq. F.S.A. 27—34 VI. Dissertation on the Life and Writings of Mary, an Anglo-Norman Poetess of the 13th Century, by Mons. La Rue. Communicated by Francis Douce, Esq. F.A.S. in a Letter to the Rev. John Brand, Secretary. 35—67 VII. Account of Inscriptions discovered on the Walls of an Apartment in the Tower of London. By the Rev. John Brand, Secretary. 68—99 VIII. Copy of an Original Manuscript, entitled, "Instructionns for every Centioner to observe duringe the continuance of the Frenche Fleet uppon this Cost untill knowlege shal be had of their dispercement, given by Sir George Carye, Captein, this fyrst of September, 1586." Communicated by Sir William Musgrave, Bart. F.R.S. and F.A.S. 100—102 IX. Account of the Fall of some of the Stones of Stonehenge, in a Letter from William George Maton, M.B. F.A.S. to Aylmer Bourke Lambert, Esq. F.R.S. and F.A.S. 103—106 X. An Examination of an Inscription on a Barn In Kent; the Mantle Tree In the Parsonage House at Helmdon in Northamptonshire, as described by the Professors Wallis and Ward, revised; and Queries and Remarks on the general Use of Arabic Numerals In England. In a Letter from the Rev. Samuel Denne, F.A.S. to Richard Gough, Esq. 107—140 XI. Additional Remarks on the Helmdon Mantle-Tree Inscription, and on the Knowledge and Use of Arabic Numerals In the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Sixteenth Centuries. By the Rev. Sam. Denne, F.A.S. 141—168 XII. Copies of Two Manuscripts on the most proper Method of Defence against Invasion, by Mr. Waad. Communicated by the Rev. Sam. Ayscough, F.A.S. in a Letter to the Rev. John Brand, Secretary. 169—184 XIII. Copy of a Manuscript In the British Museum, (Harl. MSS. 6844. fol. 49.) entitled, "An Expedient or Meanes in Want of Money to Pay the Sea and Land Forces, or as many of them as shall be thought expedient without Money in this Year of an almost Universal Povertie of the English Nation. By Fabian Philipps. Communicated by the Rev. Sam. Ayscough, F.A.S. 185—192 XIV. Explanation of a Seal of Netley Abbey, in a Letter from the Rev. John Brand, Secretary. Addressed to the President. 193—195 XV. Explanation of a Seal of the Abbey of Lundores, in Scotland, by the Rev. John Brand, Secretary. In a Letter addressed to Owen Salusbury Brereton, Esq. Vice President. 196—198 XVI. Copy of an Original Instrument dated 25 Nov. 1449, concerning the Church-yard of St. Mary Magdalen in Milk Street, London. Exhibited to the Society of Antiquaries by Thomas Loggen, Esq. 199—200 XVII. Copy of an Original Letter from Queen Elizabeth to the Earl of Warwick. Exhibited to the Society of Antiquaries by Peter Renouard, Esq. F.A.S. in whose Family this curious Paper has long remained. 201—203 XVIII. Account of Flint Weapons discovered at Hoxne in Suffolk. By John Frere, Esq. F.R.S. and F.A.S. In a Letter to the Rev. John Brand, Secretary. 204—205 XIX. Account of Antiquities from St. Domingo. In a Letter from Thomas Ryder, Esq. to the Rev. John Brand, Secretary. 206—207 XX. Observations on Stone Pillars, Crosses, and Crucifixes, by Thomas Astle, Esq. F.R.S. and F.A.S. In a Letter to the President. 208—222 XXI. Observations on Mr. Townley's Antique Bronze Helmet, found at Ribchester In Lancashire. By the Rev. Stephen Weston, B.D. F.A.S. In a Letter addressed to the President. 223—226 XXII. Observations on the Griggirrys of the Mandingos. In a Letter from Elliott Arthy, Esq. to William Blizard, Esq. F.R.S. and F.A.S. 227—229 XXIII. Dissertation on the Lives and Works of several Anglo-Norman Poets of the Thirteenth Century. In a Letter from Mons. De La Rue to John Henniker Major, Esq. M.P. F.R.S. and F.A.S. Translated from the French. 230—250 XXIV. A short Chronological Account of the Religious Establishments made by English Catholics on the Continent of Europe. By the Abbé Mann. 251—273
XXV. Extracts from the Parish Register of St. Bennet's, St. Paul's Wharf, London. Communicated by the Rev. Mark Noble, F.A.S. In a Letter to the Rev. John Brand, Secretary. 274—279 XXVI. Observations on a Greek Sepulchral Monument in the Possession of Maxwell Garthshore, M.D. F.R.S. and F.A.S. By Taylor Combe, Esq. F.A.S. 280—289 XXVII. A Description of the Church of Melbourne in Derbyshire, with an Attempt to explain from it the real Situation of the Porticus in the ancient Churches. By William Wilkins, Esq. F.A.S. 290—308 XXVIII. Enquiries concerning the Tomb of King Alfred, at Hyde Abbey, near Winchester. By Henry Howard, Esq. In a Letter to George Nayler, Esq. York Herald, F.A.S. 309—312 XXIX. Copy of a curious Record of Pardon in the Tower of London. Communicated by Thomas Astle, Esq. F.R.S. and F.A.S. In a Letter to the Rev. John Brand, Secretary. 313—314 XXX. Copy of an Original Manuscript, entitled, "A Breviate touching the Order and Governmente of a Nobleman's House" &c. Communicated by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K.B. P.R.S. and F.S.A. 315—389 Appendix 391 List of Presents 411 List of Works published by the Society 417LIST OF PLATES.
Vignettes, &c. Gold Coins of King Charles the First p. 20 and 23 Coins of the Islands Tenos and Thasus 226 |