XII. Copies of Two Manuscripts on the moft proper
Method of Defence again/I Invafion, by Mr. Waad. Communicated by the Rev. Samuel Ayfcough, F. A.S. in a Letter to the Rev.. John Brand, Secretary. Read March 2, 179; SIR, IN my refearches amongft the MSS. in the Britifh Mufeum I met with the two following, which under the prefent circum- ftances I am induced to think will be acceptable communications to our Society, and for that purpofe have tranfcribed them. They are both written by Mr. William Waad, of whom Dr. Birch, in his Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, (Vol. I. p. 45,) gives the following account. " Mr. William Waad was fon of Armigel Waad, Efq. a gentleman born in Yorkfliire, and educated at St. Magdalen College in Oxford, who was clerk of the council to king Henry VIII. and Edward VI. and employed in feveral campaigns abroad, and died at Belfie or BeHife Houfe, in the parifh of Hamp- ftead, near London, on the soth of June 1568. His fon William fuccecded him in the place of Clerk of the Council, and was after- wards knighted by king James I. at Greenwich, May 20, 1603, and made Lieutenant of the Tower. The occaflon of his journey into Spain in the beginning of the year 1583-4, was upon the dif- covery of the Spanifh ambanTador Mendoza being concerned in the plot of Francis Throgmorton, and other Englifh catholics, in favour of the queen of Scots, and being ordered to depart England imme- VOL, XIIL Z diatclv,