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Newanminfter, church of 309 Newhaven, (Havre de Grace) defended by the English 201 203 Noble, Mr. his obfervations on the life of Cecily, duchefs of York 7 iq __ his defcription of a gold medal ftruck on the birth of Charles II. 2O 22 his defcription of an unpublifhed coin of Charles I. 2326 communicates extracts from the parifh regifter of St. Bennet's, St. Paul's wharf, London 274279 Nobleman's houfe, order and government of 3 1 53^9 Norfolk, Thomas, duke of 69, 72 Northumberland, Henry, earl of 7779; prifoner in the Tower of London 7$ John, duke of, his device carved in a room at the Tower 69 ; account of him 69, 70 Notary, public, in 1444, form of his attef- tation 200 Numerals, Arabic, remarks concerning their introduction in England 113; inquiries when they carne into general ufe 123 ; far- ther remarks on the lame fubjedl 141, 147 168 . in regifters of monafteries, &c. 124; church-wardens accounts, &c. 125; on tombs 126; feals and coins 127; in printed books 129; letters 130; deeds 148; college accounts 156158 Nuns of the third order of St. Francis, Eng- lifh Convent, of, at Bruges 266 O Oafthoufe at Prefton hall, date of 108 Oldcaftle, Hugh, his book of arithmetic 160 Ord, Mr. communicates an infcription from Great Bookham church 395 _ communicates a copy of an ori- ginal record relating to the herald's vibra- tions in Wales 396 Owdal, Francis, prifoner in the Tower of London 82 Oxford, Edward, earl of 275, 276 Page, Francis, prifoner in the Tower of Lon- don Ho ; account of him, ibid. Paget, Thomas, Lord 78 Palmer, Sir Thomas 8 1 Paris, Convent of Englifh Auguftine Nuns at 268 Convent of Englifh Benedidtine Monks at 264 Convent of Conceptionift Nuns at 270 Seminary of r,ngliih Catholics at 261, 262- Paflew, Walter, prifoner in the Tower of London 94 Pawlet, Sir Hugh 201, 2O2 Pembroke, Philip, Earl of, refides in the pa- rifh of St. Bennet, St. Paul's Wharf 276 ; baptifm of his children, lady Sufanna, lady Mary, Philip, Katherine, and lady Re- becca 275 . William, earl of 276 Percy, Sir ingram, prifoner in the Tower of London 79 Sir Thomas 79 Peverel, Thomas, prifoner in the Tower of London 89 Philipps, Fabian, his expedient for paying the land and fea forces without money in 1667 185 192; account of him 192 Pillars, ftone, and crofles,obfervationson 209 217; ancient worfhip of 209 21 1; co- nic, pyramidal, and cylindric an; with hieroglyphic figures 213 ; with reprefenta- tions of the crucifixion, ibid. ; eredled in memory of victories 215 Pillars, ftone, called crofles, from reprefenta- tions of the crucifixion carved on them 213 Plague, entries relating to it in the parifh re- gifter of St. Bennet's,, St. Paul's Wharf 277, 278 Plantagenet, Richard, Duke of York 7 Poets, Anglo Norman, differtation on their lives and works 230 250 Pole, family of 18 Pontoife, Convent of Englifh Benedictine Nuns at 269 Poole, Arthur and Edmund, prifoners in the Tower

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