to the Earl of Warwick.
203 the lofle of Callais, loft alfo. This our opinion we praye yow to communicate to our fubjecls there, in fuch forte as ye mall thinke meetifl. And for your felf, we aflure yow, the conftant good re- porte made by all perfons comming from thence, of your honorable and fervifable behaviour in that charge, meritethe fuch finguler fav r . at our hands, as we meane rather to mew fome argument therof by our deedes and reward, then by wryting. Yeven under our fignet at our mano r of Grenewiche the 4 th of ^uly the fyveth yere of our Reign." (What follows is all in the Queen's hand writ- ing.) " My deare Warwik if your honor and my defir could ac- cord with the los of the nidefuls fingar I kipe, God helpe me fo in. my moft nide as I wold gladly lis that one joint for your fafe abode with me, but fins I can not that I wold, I wil do that I may, and wil rather drinke in an afin cup than you or yours ihude not be foccerd both by fea and land yea and that with all fpede poffible, and let this my fcribling hand witnes it to them all Yours as my own I. R. Elizabeth R." (Indorfed) (Seal loft.) To our right trufty and right wel beloved coufen the earl of Warwik our lieut ant ge- nerall in Normandy and defendour of the towne of Newehaven." Indorfed ttlfo in another hand. " The Qu. Majeftie by Mr. Paulet promifis a fpedy fupplyc 4 July 1563." XVIII. Ac*