Helmdon Mantle Tree Infcripl'wn,
161 he added " A Short and Plain Treatife of Arithmetike comprifed in a briefer method than hetherto had bin published." Another edition of this briefe Introduction with additions, and a variation in the title page, was publifhed in 1588. A. 1549. Robert Recorde, Doctor ofPhjfick, publifhed "The Grounde of Artes, teaching the Woorke and Practice of Arithme- tikc, booth in whole numbers and fractions, after a more eafyer and exacter fort, -than any lyke had hitherto been fet forth." The firil Preface was addreiled to the moil Myghty Prince Edward, the Sixtc King of England, &c. And a fecond Preface to the loving Readers. For though, as he writes, " Unto the King his Majefty privately I doe it dedicate, yet I doubt not (fuch is his clemency) but that he can be content, yea, and much defirous, that all his loving fubjects fhould take the ufe of it, and employ the fame to their moft profit." In 1558, there feems to me to have been a fecond edition of this treatife, and the fecond preface addreiTed, not to readers in general, but to Mayfler Rycherd Whalley, Efq. But there cannot be a doubt of there being an edition in 1561, fuggeft- ed to be now of late overfeen and augmented with new and necef- farie additions. J. D. is a Signature ufed in this title page, proba- bly the initials of John Dee [/]. [wz] Mr. Herbert, in his Typographical Antiquities, p.6oo, in the margin, affigns A. 1549 for the date of the edition of Record's Ground of Artes, but concludes the line with A. 1561, from inadvertency as I apprehend. There muft have been an edition before 1 55 1 , as the book was dedicated to King E'dward VI, who died in that year ; and as Mr. Herbert notices an edition in 1558, if there were one in 1561, it muft have been a third edition. Of the edition in 1558 he remarks, that this feems to be the firft edition teaching Fractions ; a furmife that does not appear to be well founded, fince his book previoufly publifhed would on fuch a fuppofition have been lefs ufeful than the treatife written by Hugh Oldcaftle, and publifhed in 15431 or than that printed by Hertford at St. VOL. XIII. Y Alban's