Copy of an Original Manuscript touching the
sayes, of the breade, and salte, of the lord and ladies spoones, knyves, trenchers, and napkines, and to give those sayes to the pantler, who is to attend the chamber to that purpose, and then the carver is there to staye, all dynner tyme, and to carve and serve in that place at his discretion.
Hee is to fee the cupp bearer, carver, and sewer, for that day, to be placede at his table, next to himselfe, the carver to bee on the right hannde, and the fewer on the lefte, the cuppbearer next to the carver.
The sewer is to goe from the ewery throughe the hall, wher the yeoman usher of that place is to attende his cominge, and then and there to commannde all gentlemen, and yeoman wayters, to attende the sewere, whoe with him is to goe to the surveyinge place or dresser, where the clarcke of the kittchine is to attende him, and there the sewere is to call for his lorde, and so to give sayes to the clarke of the kittchine, and the master cooke, of everie dishe that is servede to the lordes messe, and from thence to countenance the meate to the lordes table, where the carver is to give the sewer and the bearer of everie dishe a saye, of the meate hee beareth; at the first course standinge, and the seconde course, kneelinge of one knee, and the sewer is to stay by the carver, as his assistannte, till dinner and supper bee donne, and not to departe but for countenancinge the courses of meate.
Hee is to fee the lordes table bee not unfurnished of wayters, and if it bee, then to sende for them presentlie, and not to suffer them to goe from thence at theire pleasures, but to attende unlesse the gentleman usher doe appointe otherwise, for theire lordes service.
Hee is to have checke rolles, of all the gentlemen and yeomen wayters, thereby to instructe them the better, so well the carvers, sewers, cuppbearers, as also gentlemen and yeomen wayters, in theire duties of service.