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on Defence agahtft Invqfion.


Beacons watched. Recufants retrained. Arms and horfes to be fequeftered out of their cuftody. Powder to be provided both for the ftore of the counties and the towns corporate. The ports to be better looked into for paiTengers by fpecial letters to fome fpecial gentlemen adjoining to the ports, to join with the officers of the ports. The minifters of the French and Dutch churches to be written unto> to know what {hangers be within and about London that be not of their churches, or repair to their parifh churches. What dire&ion is fit to be given to the ports for prefervation of the mapping in the feveral harbours. There is order already taken for men to repair to the Ifle of Wight, and likewife an increafe of the ward at Plymouth. The like ordfcr to be taken for the fupplies that are to repair to Portfmouth.. In anno 88 there was-fpeeial order given for the defence of the IfleofThanet. Sheernefs especially to be confidered of. What places on the fea coaft are fit to be intrenched; What places in, the maritime counties are moft fubjecl to danger.. Birch MS. 4*2?, f. 79;. A Paper of Mr. Waad concerning the defence of the Kingdom againft Invafions.. Confidering Right Hon. the dangerous- eftate wherein we are fallen through thefe long times of peace and reft, whereby we are generally grown to- the untowardlinefs in martial actions, as, in my fimple

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