j 74 Copies of Two Mannfcrlpts
fimple judgment, if we fiiould encounter and join "with the enemy after the old manner and cuftom in running confufedly to the fea fide, there can be no good fuccefs expected thereof, but rather on the contrary great danger, hurt and flaughter, if by your wifdoms, to whom belongeth the redrefs, it may not be thorough feen into and provided. It may be we prefume overmuch of the antient courage and noble attempts of our anceftors, not weighing the dif- ference of time drawing more to perfection and ripenefs of late, whereof our enemies have taken advantage, and increafc of know- ledge by their late troubles, and we are declined and gone back- wards for want of ufe and practice. For as weapons, armour, and munition, are but dead things without men's bodies to ufe them, and they both of little value without ilulful leaders to exercife and train them. And as there is nothing but emulation and confufion amongfl the beft leaders and captains of experience, without fome noble honourable minded perfonage to direct and judge of every man's opinion ; fo all thefe be both dangerous and imperfect without a good plot and fure foundation laid to work upon. Myfelf being one of the meaneft of ability and oflkill, have pre- fumed yet to offer this my fimple opinion and judgment, as a tefti- mony and witnefs of the zeal and affection that I bear as well to the prefervation of her majefty's moft royal perfon, as to the be- nefit and fafety of this my natural country, hoping your honour will accordingly accept the fame, and pardon what is amifs therein. Certain Orders meet to be obferved upon any foreign Invafion for thofe Shires that lye upon the Sea Coafts. That in every fhire thereof be appointed a nobleman to take the chief charge for the ordering and governing of the fame ; and he 6 to