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Copy of an Original Record. Communicated by Craven Ord, Esq. F.S.A.

Read May 26, 1796.

Edwarde the sixte by the grace of God king of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelond, defendour of the faythe, and of the churche of Englonde, and also of Irelonde, in erthe the sup~me hedd. To all men of honoure, lordes and gentlemen, and all other our officers, ministres, and subjectes gretyng. Where as of a long tyme there hathe no visitacion or surveye ben made by anye Heralde or officer of armes within our domynyon of Wales and Marches of the same, wherof hathe rysen no lesse error in the usyng, bearyng, and takyng of armes, crestes, and tokens of nobilitie, then debate and controv~sy aboute titles of inheritaunce, lyke to folowe to the greate troble and dysquiet of our loving subjectes, namelie, of gentlemen in the par- ties aforesaid, if reformacion be nott hadd. Willinge therefore as well to avoide all suche doubtes and controv~sies as by that occacion maye herafter ensue, as also to have one c~teyn ordre to be observed in the p~misses. We, for the speciall truste and confidence whiche we have in our welbeloved svn~te Fulke Apowell, alias Lancaster, one of our heraldes of armes, have geven and graunted, and by thefs p~sentes doe gyve and graunte unto our said svnte full power and authentic duryng his lyef, at all tymes from hensfourthe when he shall thinke mete as well to visite and repayer to the houses, mansyons, and dwellynge of all nobles and gentylmen in the parties aforesaide, as also to p~use, reforme, and correcte all armes, crestes, and tokens of nobilitie, wrongefully and unlawfully taken, used, or borne, within the said p~vince; and moreover to take the notice of all discentes, manages, and pedegrees of nobles and gen-tlemen

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