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XVII. Copy of an Original Letter from ^ueen Elizabeth

to the Earl ^Warwick. Exhibited to the Society of Antiquaries by Peter Renouard, Efq. F. A. S. in uuhofe Family this curious Paper has long remained. Read March 16, 1797. (COPY) BY THE QUEENE. " ELIZABETH R. RIGHT trufty and right wcl beloved coufm we greete yow well. We have at fundry tymes heard and conferrid with S r . Hugh Pawlet Knight upon luche matters as he had in commif- fion to informe or demaunde of us. And therein we thinke, before this tyme yow ar advertifid at good lengthe by Lrr~es from our cownfell. And therin we have alfo perticulerly debatid with the faid S r . Hugh Pawlet upon all the matters by him to us propoundid, not doubting but he will declare unto yow our earneft determina- tion to go through with all things that any wife mail concerne the defence of that Towne againft all vyolence and force, that can be devifid by the ennemy [a]. And confidering the fubilance therof de- dependith M Queen Elizabeth, in the year 1563, appointed Ambrofe Dudley, earl of War- wick, (to whom this letter is addreffed) " her lieutenant and captain-general of her fubjefts that (hould in any wife pafs over into Normandy." And in the month of Oc- tober he landed at Newhaven (Havre de Grace) with a body of three thoufand Englifh troops. He employed every means for putting it in a pofture of defence, and was fuc- cefsful in feveral fkirmifhes with the enemy near the town, but was net able to retain the podfeffion of it longer than the a8th of July following, when it was delivered up to the French, to whom it became a much eafier acquifition than was expe&ed, in confe- VOL. XIII. D d quence

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