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Copy of an Original Manuscript touching the

The Office of an Auditor.

The auditor beeing the laste of all offecers, is to bee judge betwixte the lorde and his accomptants, and to deale trulie for and betweene all parties, and upon the determinac~n of his audite, to presente to his lorde by booke or breviate, all his receiptes, expences, imprestes, whatsoever, with the remaines of monye, if any bee; and hee is to have his diet with bouge of allowance into his chamber, for thence hee is not to departe, before hee have endede his audite, the chardge and truste beinge so greate, so well betwixte the lorde and his accomptantes, as betwixt partie and partie, hee is to have his man allowede in the house, his horsses at the lordes charge, and his fee paid before his departure, and to attende twice a yeare, or yearlie, to keepe audite, at the pleasure of the lorde.

The key of the evidence house to bee kepte by the lorde himselfe, and none to come there but in the lordes presence, or whome hee shall speciallie committe truste unto for that tyme beeinge.

The chaplines are to bee placed at the stewardes or comptrollers borde, and in theire absence with the gentleweomen.

The secretaries are to bee placed at the stewardes or comptrollers table, and in theire absence with the gentleman usher, and to have place nexte the carvers and sewers.

The Clarcke of the Kittchine, his Office.

The clarcke of the kittchine is to see into all inferior offices in the house, at the leaste once a weake; and is speciallie to bee at the direction of the comptroller, whoe by his vew into those places,may

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