Englifh Convents, &c. on the Continent.
degrees, and benefices annexed to the degrees ; and it was by means of thefe laft that the houfe enjoyed confiderabje reve- nues. 18. Soon after the eftablifhment of this monaftery in Paris, father Francis Walgrave, a member of it, obtained from the rich Be- nedictine abbey of Marmoutier near Tours, the religious cell called LA CELLE EN BRIE, in the diocefe of Meaux, twelve leagues eaft of Paris, which he refigned up to the priory at Paris, and to which it remained annexed till the fall of both in 1793. A fuperior and two or three religious of the monaftery at Paris refided in it, and kept a fchool for the education of youth in claffical learning. This religious foundation had an- ciently been handfomaly endowed, and had an extenfive lord- fhip annexed to it. 19. Jefiiits College in Liege. m This was founded for the education of youth in claffical learning, in the year 1616, by George Talbot, afterwards earl of Shrewf- bury. He, in 1636, obtained of the duke of Bavaria, prince biihop of Liege, to fettle on this college an annual penfion, being the mtereft of 500,000 florins. It fubfifted on this foot- ing till the extinction of the Jefuits in 1773, when it changed its name into that of an Engli/h Academy, at the fame time ex- tending its plan of education ; and it remained in the hands of thofe to whom it had belonged before, till the French occu- pied Liege in 1794. VOL. XIII. M m so. Fran-