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XXIV. A jliorl Chronological Account of the Religious

Ejlabliftiments made by Englifh Catholics on the Con- tinent of Europe. By the Abbe Mann. Read May 24, 1798. IF the fubjecl: which I take in hand appears little interefting at a time when the reigning fpirit of feveral nations is far more difpofed to deftroy all the monuments of the piety of their ancef- tors, than to preferve any memory of them, and has already deftroy- ed the greateft part of thefe I am going to mention ; I hope it will appear in a different light to the learned Society of Antiquaries, whofe chief care is to collect and preferve to futurity a faithful re- membrance of whatever concerns former ages. If a time mould ever, come when an exact account of this fmall part of the Britiih nation mall be found interefting, the following lifts of thefe eftablifhments, collected with care and exaclnefs, .may not prove unwelcome, as they may lead to fources where a complete account of each of them may be found. I mail make no farther apology for this eflay than to beg it may be confidered rather as a teftimony of my profound refpect for the learned Society to which I have the honour of prefenting it, than for any intrinfic value which I attribute to it. Leutmentz m Bohemia, ABBE MANN. July 1 6, 1797. K k 2, A fun;-

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