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Order and Government of a Nobleman's House, &c.


which is both good for them, and bettereth the lordes service; and if any of those saide wayters doe obstinatelie refuse to amende such faultes and deformities, then the gentleman usher is to acquainte the principall officers of houshoulde therewith, whoe is to reforme such defectes in them, or to dischardge them theire lordes service, as men not woorthie to serve in that place.

Hee is to give notice to all wayters, that they give noe eare to table taulke, for that withdraweth the eie and minde from respecte of theire service, for the eye muste bee still movinge about the sercuite of the table, that if any wanntes bee, they maye with speede bee suppliede.

Hee is alsoe to attende the greate chamber before and after meales, and to have a gentleman wayter, with a yeoman, or two, to be reddie at his appointment, for any service to bee donne, for the gentleman ushers attending in that place, and at those tymes, is to give enterteynemente to all stranngers, and not to departe the place but uppon specialle cause.

Hee is to give notice to his ladies gentleweomen, that they attende in the greate chamber for the better furnishinge the same, vidz. from nyne of the clocke untill aleven, and then to attende theire ladie to the chappell, or prayer, and from one of the clocke after dynner, untill three in the afternoone, and then they maye departe, if there bee noe gentleweomen stranngers to bee enterteyned, untill five of the clocke; that supper bee towardes, and after supper so lonnge as theire ladie is in presence, and noe longer.

Hee is to appointe before dinner and supper, cuppbearer, carver, and sewer, and to goe with them to the ewerye, and there to washe theire hanndes togeather, and the gentleman usher is to see the yeoman of the ewerye, first to arme the carver, and then the sewer; that donne, he is to countenance the carver from the ewerye to the table, where after dewtifull obedience made, the carver is to takesayes,

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