273 Abbe Mann's Account of
. thefe DominicafTes got fome fcholars, and thereby Remained unmolefted till their flight on the approach of the French to BruiTels in June 1794. 38. School at Efquerchin near Douay. This was founded about the middle of the prefent century, by the late Hon. James Talbot, afterwards bifhop. He deftined it for the education of boys in the lower fchools of the daffies, thereby to difburthen the great college of Douay, to which he gave it, of that part of its charge ; and alfo for the fake of greater falubrity and fpace for children in the country, than could be had in the other. This fchool fell of courfe with the 3 Jut i r '-- - - college to which it belonged, at the time of the French revo- lution. . 39. Difcaked Carmes at Tongres. This little eftablimment had been made a few years ago with permiffion of the prince bifhop of Liege, by fome Englifh Car- melite friars, profefTed in foreign convents. It had hardly time to gain footing, when it was crufhedby the French revolution in 1794. Not having been able to find the dates of the following re- ligious eflablifhments, I place them at the end of this lift. 40. Benediffilne Abbey of Latnjfirifjg in Germany. This abbey is fituated in Lower Saxony, in the diocefe of Hildef- heim, about four leagues fouth of the city of that name. It is governed by a regular mitred abbot, who, like all the prelates of Germany, enjoys great privileges. I have not learnt how It