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Order and Government of a Nobleman's House, &c.


may make knowne to the comptroller, or in his absence to the stewarde, of all defectes, if any bee, and those defectes supplied, hee is in the absence of the comptroller, to enter them into an inventorie.

Hee is to keepe a leager or jurnall booke, for the notinge therein weakelie, the perticular expences of everie office, and that booke to bee summede up, at the weakes ende, whereby the lorde maye uppon call see the weake, month, and quarterlie chardge, and so consequentlie throughe the whole yeare.

Hee is to receave all provisions of spice made by the stewarde, or comptroller, and those to keepe; fruite, as currants, reasons, proynes, dates, &c. in some reasonable moyfte place, for ells they will drie awaye, and the drie spices, as sugar, synnamon, &c. to bee kepte drie, for that moyster will decay and greatlie waste them, and soe become in tyme not serviceable.

Hee is to see into the ewery, so well to take the expences as the remayne of lights, of all sortes, and to see the yeoman doe tallie with the chaundler, for those lightes soe broughte in.

Hee is to see into the seller, that the Wynnes bee carefullie kepte, and the plate belonginge to the same well lookede unto, and once a weeke to gage such wynes, as hath bene that weeke drawne of, and the expences thereof to sett downe in his jurnall with remaine.

Hee is to see into the pantre, to take the remaine of breade, weakelie, and alsoe what is there spente, and that to sett donne in his leager booke with remaine.

Hee is to see into the butterie, what beare and hogsheades are of store, and what spennt, and that to recorde in his leager; and if any caske wannte, to see them providede for presentlie, and to keepe his office private to himselfe, and noe carrousinge or drinkinge to bee in that office.


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