Englifh Cojivents, &c. on the Continent*
Women of the Order of St. Francis. i. A convent of poor Clares at Gravelines, 1603. 2,. A convent of the fame, called Colletines, at Rouen, 3. A convent of Poor-Clares at Dunkirk, 1652. 4. A convent of Conceptionifts, in Paris, 1658. 5. A convent of nuns of the third order of St. Francis, at Bru ges, 1658. 6. A convent of Poor-Clares, at Aire in Artois, 1660. IX. Carmelites or Terejians ; Men. A convent eftablifhed at Tongrcs, about the year 1 7 70, Women* 1 . A convent of Terefian nuns at Antwerp. 2. Another at Lier in Brabant. 3. Another at Hoogftraete in the north of Brabant. II. A Chronological Account of the Englt/k Rcllgmis TtJiabTijliments on tJie Continent, m the Order of Time wherein they 'were made. I. Carthujians. Of the nine Carthufian monafteries that fubiiiled in England* o London, Shene, Witham, Coventry, Henton, Hull, and Epp- worth, were diflblved in 1538 ; Beauval and Mount Grace in 1539. Thefe communities being difperfed, part of the mem- bers retired to Bruges in Flanders ; from whence they return- 8 ed