Explanation of a Seal, &c,
ing up the hiatus in the above manner cannot but be thought fa- tisfactory, when I aflure you, that, as on the one hand, no traces of evidence can be found to evince that any abbey, monaftery, nun- nery, or hofpital, of the age of this matrix, was dedicated to Saint Mary and Saint Andrew in the city of London ; fo on the other there is luckily preferved at the end of the fecond volume of Dug- dale's Monafticon, among the " Ctenobia Scotica" copied from the original by fir James Balfoure, Lyon King at Arms, the charter of foundation of an Abbey for Monks at Lundores, dedicated to the Virgin Mary and St. Andrew. With refpecl to the union you mentioned of the parimes of St. Mary at Hill, and St. Andrew Hubbard in London, that did not take place till after the Great Fire, A. D* 1666 ; and fo far are thefe two parimes from having a common feal, that they have drftindl veftries, records, &c. and every year eledl different churchwardens. Though appropriated to our Sifter King- dom, you cannot, iir, but agree with me in thinking this feal a very great curiofity, and will, no doubt, have the goodnefs to direcl: our draftfman to take a drawing of it, to be preferved in the archives of the Society. The charter of foundation runs thus : " Univerfis fanclae matris ecclefias filiis, et fidelibus, tarn prasfentibus quam futuris, Conies David, Frater Regis Scotite, falutem. Sciatis me fun- dafle quandam abbaciam apud Londors, de ordine Kelchorenfi, ad honorem Dei et S. Marine Vtrginis, et S. Andree Apojloll, omnium, que fanclorum, pro falute animae Regis Davidis, avi mei, et pro falute, animas comitis Henrici patris mei; et pro falute animze Regis Willielmi fratris mei et Reginae Armegard et omnium an- tecefTorum meorum ; et pro falute animze meae- et Matildis eo- mitnTae fponfas mere; et pro falute animas Davidis filii mei et omnium fuccefTorum meorum ; et pro falute animarum fratrum et lororum meorum. Concern" ctiam et hac carta mea confirmavi praedi&ae abbacias de Londors et monachis ibidem Deofervi'entibus, in liberam et puram et perpetuam elemofmam, ecclefiam de Londors; 6 cum