Order and Government of a Nobleman s Houfe, &c. 363
Caviare Turbott ba. Codde Whiting Place Chevine Conger Thornbake Crabbs Carpe Tench Lobfters Praunes Breate Tarte Puffine November, 1605. Thefe bee the provt/tons for this month, beginmng the ift of November. Branne Mutton Pigge Roe Hinde Buftarde Goofe Peacoke Bitter Godwite Redihanke Mallard Golne Woodcoks Quales Thrufhes Pidgeons Pulletts Grofle provifions for this monthe. Beeffe Baconne Veale Lambe Porcke Kidde Hare Rabbetts Doe Gote Thefe Foules bee nowe in feafone. Craynne Storcke Turkic Shoveler Knotts Ree Widgeon Plovers Partreges Fellfaires Stints Turtells Stocdoves Swannc Herone Caponne Curlew Lapwine Bayninge Teales Snipes Phelannte Blackbirds Judcoke Culvers Larkes 3 A 2 Thefe