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Order and Government of a Nobleman's House, &c.


In these monthes are beanes, pease, and oates to bee sowen, in such groundes as are fittinge for them, and this is the bailiefe of the husbandrie his chardge to looke unto.

In these monthes are all groundes which cattle wente in the last winter to bee furthed and clensede, the mole hills throwne abroade, that the fresh springe of grasse maye the better growe therein. In these monthes are all fences to bee made betwixte severals, so well ditches as hedges, and those ditches well clensed and scourede are so yearlie to bee mayntainede and kepte.

In these monthes is all kinde of provisions of fewell to bee sortede and brought home, vidz. charcole to bee kepte drie in house, baume and faggott to bee well stackede for bakinge and bruinge, billett and logwoode to bee pilede in large stackes for the house use in generall, and note that all these provisions are to bee expendede at the discretion of the stewarde of houshould, or such other officer so appointede for the tyme beeinge.

In these bee sommer pastures to bee sparede, vidz, from the 25th of March untill the 1st of Maye, that such pastures may have tyme to growe and gett heade before the sommer cattell bee putt therein, and such cattell in that space is to be bistowede in meddowes and lowe growndes untill Mayday, and then those meddowes to bee clensede, spared, and furthede, while the cropps of haye bee taken awaye, and the grone or eatage of such meddowes to bee imployed at the discretion of the stewarde or bailieffe of the husbandrie for the lordes beste profitte.

In these monthes is the beste saile to bee made of all such fatte cattell and sheepe as are to be sparede from the lordes house ufe, for nowe will such cattell and sheepe yealde the moste, and soe till Midsummer, which mony so taken may then bee bistowede on such leane cattell and sheepe as at the discretion of the stewarde shallbee

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