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192 An Expedient for Paying, &c.

reafon of thofe that gain by beggaring our heretofore rich and flou- .riming nation, that the more moneys are fent out of England the more will come in, when it is fent out as faft as it comes in, with

much of that which we had of our own before, as if England had

mines of gold and filver inexhauftible ; as if depths had no bottom, breadths or lengths had nothing to terminate it, but were infinite ; and as if our people of England, whofe merchants and traders at fea are not one in every thoufand of our many people, fervants, women and children excepted, were all or the greateft part, as the Dutch, who with their wives and many of their children, and fervants, do con- tinually employ themfelves in trade ; and being the great and com- mon carriers of the world, ingroflfers of all the trade thereof, and more cunning traders into all the parts of it, are lure if they carry out their moneys to bring in a great deal more with advantage. FAB. PHILIPPS[6]. 4 July 1667. [] Fabian Philipps was a barrifter of the Middle Temple. He was born at Preft- fcury in Gloucefterftiire, an. 1601, and died in 1690. See Wood's Fafti, Oxon. f. 3, 4, where is given a lift of many of his writings, which were numerous and chiefly political. In the Britiih Mxifeum, Sloane MSS. 970, f. 26, is a Difcourfe by him

  • ' Touching the Antiquity of the Temple Inns of Court."

Wood defcribes him as a man of confiderable learning, and much attached to the ftudy of antiquity ; and fays, " that he was always a zealous aflerter of the Icing's prerogative, and fo paflionate a lover of king Ch. I. that two days before he was be- headed he wrote a Proteftatlon again/I his intended murder, which he printed, and cauled to be put on ports and in all common places. He was Filacer for London, Middlcjcx, Cambridge/hire, and Huntingdon/hire, and did fpend much money in fearching and writing for the afferting of the king's prerogative, yet got nothing by it, only the em- ployment of one of the commiffioners appointed for the regulation of the law, worth / t . 200 per annum, which lafted only for two years." XIV. Ex-

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