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Martial men of good experience to be fent down to all the ma- ritime counties, both to take the mufters and train the men, and to remain here upon occasion to direct the foldiers under the lieu- tenants. All horfes efpecially to be had in. a readinefs. Good ftore of pioneers, fpades, movels, mattocks, and like in- ftruments to be provided. Forces to be put in a readinefs for an army, if need mall require, under a general appointed, that may be affembled at fuch place as may ferve to fecond the forces that are attempted to impeach the landing of the enemy in all the weft parts, who may be directed to give all annoyance, alarms, and continual impeachment to the ene- my, and fight with him upon advantage. Another to be in readinefs out of the inland counties to come to London, if that mall be thought necefTary, that may ferve both for defence of her majefty's perfon, and of thofe maritime counties not far diftant. If the enemy mould make towards Calais, then the Thames above Gravefend to be regarded, and fome good Ihipping placed there, or other device. A place where the river Lee doth enter into the Thames hath been thought of as moft convenient to fortify; for if the enemy land on Eflex fide, he muft need pafs thefe rivers, which muft be guard- ed alfo in all places of defcent. The mafter of the ordnance to give a note of the munition in ftore, and what is fit to be prefently provided. Victuals. A commiffion of the victuals to be appointed. Fire works to be provided in the feveral ports, and to go with the mips, that mall be fet forth. Pinnaces to difcover. Beacons

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