Copy of an Original Manuscript touching the
any other commodities arisinge within his office of survey, which any way concernethe the lordes profitte, whereby hee maye the better call to those balieffes and officers for such rentes and sommes of monye, as are dewe unto his lorde, from tyme to tyme, and soe the receavour is to be chardged by the booke signede under the hannde of the surveyour.
Hee is to acknowledge a booke of what sommes hee doth receave for his lorde of everie perticular personne, and for what cause, or title it is, with the tyme and day of the receipte, that his accompte may the more playnlie appeare.
Hee is to make known to his lorde what sommes hee hath receaved from tyme to tyme, and to receave warrannte from the lorde under his hannde, for the impressinge of all such sommes of monnye, as is his lordships pleasure shal bee disbursede, unto vidz. The stewarde, the comptroller, ridinge stewarde, for the tyme beeinge, the gentleman of the horsse, or any ells at the pleasure of the lorde, which saide warrannte is a dischardge for the receavor. at the audite, for the passinge his accompt the better.
Hee is to acknowledge under his hannde by bill, or otherwise, to all such as hee doth receave monneye of, for the use of the lorde which is for theire better dischardge to the auditor, they standinge accomptable for theire receipts so well as the receavor. doth for his.
Hee is to bee at everie audite for the advouchinge of his receiptes, and the charginge of all such personnes, as hee hath imprestede any mony unto by warrannte, or otherwise, and hee is only to be difchardged by the auditor.
He is by vertue of his place, to directe his letters to all bailefes, or any others whoe hath any receiptes or sommes dewe to the lords use, to bringe in those and such sommes at such tyme, and what place as hee shall bee, by the receavor. appointede, and those his letters bee sufficient warrannte to the parties in that behalfe.