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Copy of an Original Manuscript touching the

shal bee accomptable for the redeliverie of the same forth of his chardge.

Hee is likewise to see into all offices, soe well sorraine, as at home, that dewe execution may bee donne in theire severall places, and if any defaulte bee made, hee is to see it speedelie reformede.

Hee is to receave all sommes of monny of the receavour generall, for the makinge of all provisions, so well ordynarie as extraordynarie, and for reparacons, to pay bills of allowances, and servanntes wages, and to disburst for all imprestes, beesides his hannde is warraunt to the receavour for what sommes soever, for his lordes affaires, and hee is forthwith to acquant his lorde, so often as convenientlie he maye, with the state of his houshoulde, and of his treasure, and howe it is laide forth, and what hee hath in remayne.

Hee is to make all bargaines and sales, or at the leaste bee made privie thereunto, and also to acquant his lorde therewith, and to take his lordes opinion therein, and to call the comptroller, or other cappitall officers, and to take theire opinions therein, as his assistannce, for his lordes better service to bee donne.

Hee is to see soe well into everie manes desartes, as hee is to make his lorde acquanted therewith, whose honnorable minde, is by his stewardes reporte, to recompence good service, so well as to punishe evill, for by that meanes, hee shal bee the better obeyed, when the servanntes doe see hee maye soe well rewarde desartes, as punishe offences.

The stewarde and comptroler are to sitt in councell upon any cappitall cause, committed, and for the better assistannce, maye call unto them, or cather of them, what capital officers ells they will make choyce of, for the hearinge such causes, and soe to proceede to reformation if it maye bee, if not, makinge theire lorde privie to the faulte comitted, to discharge the partie, or parties, so offendinge, as unwoorthie that place they serve in.


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