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Englifh Convents, '&c. on the Continent. 359

tlement which fubfifh to the prefent time, and is now almoft the only one of nuns that remains on the continent of Europe. It is to be obferved of this convent, as has juft been faid of the Carthufians, that it is the only Englifh community of religious women which has never been feparated or extincl: fince the reign of queen Mary. All the other Englifh convents, both of men and women, were begun anew much later, as will be feen prefently. 3. Douay College, This firft and principal eftablifhment of Englifh fecular clergy was begun in the year 1568, by Dr. Allen, afterwards cardinal and archbifhop of Mechlin. The civil wars obliged it to retire to Rheims in 1578 ; but it returned again to Douay in 1593, -where it conftantly flourifhed till its deftruclion -under the French revolution in 1793. The only fixt income which this college enjoyed was-a penfion from the fee of Rome of 3000 Roman crowns per annum, which was duly paid to the laft. This college was -a member of the univerfity of Douay, and in it was taught claffical learning, as well as philofophy and divinity. It has produced a great number of diftinguifhed men. Lucas, and his wife D. Milicia, who remained with the honours and profits of the ad- vowfon. Geografia Hiftorica of Lima, T. II. p. 150. Corografia Portugueza of Carvatho, T. III. p. 515, and following. " I have omitted on purpofe feveral accounts of miracles and prophecies related bjr this laft author, p. 516 and 519, becaufe they are ufelefs to the hiftory, and do little credit to our clergy. I am, Sir, moft refpe&fully yours, JOS. CORREA DE SERRA." L 1 .2, 4. Roman

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