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2O2 Copy of an Original Letter from Queen Elizabeth

pendith upon thre principal! things, men, money and vittell, we ar refolvid and have alreadye putte in execution, that there flial be no lacke of any of them. And we praye yow to notifye unto all our good fervaunts and fubje&s the gentlemen and capteins there, that we take it no fmall augmentacion to the hon r . of our crowne and realme, and fpecially to our nation, that they have hitherto fb man- fully and fkilfully acquyted themfelfs againft the Rhingrave and his beft foldiours. And although the prefervacion of that Towne tend- ith to the importance of great commoditie to our crowne : yet be- fyde that we make no fmall accompt, that by the ftraite defence therof againft the whole force of France : this our nation mail re- cover the ancient fame which heertofore it had, and of late with quence of the plague which broke out among the Englifh foldiers, and which was af- terwards brought by them to England. See Holinfhed's Chron. Vol. III. p. 1 195 to 1204, edit. 1587. Hume's Hift. Vol. V. p. 79, 8vo. Mr. Hume fays that " Warwick, who had frequently warned the Englifh xx>uncil of the danger, and who had loudly demanded a fupply of men and proviflons, found himfelf obliged to capitulate, and to content himfelf with the liberty of withdrawing his garrifon. The articles were no fooner figned, than Lord Clinton, the admiral who had been detained by contrary winds, appeared off the harbour with a reinforcement of three thoufand men, and found the place furrendered to the enemy." He adds that " Queen Elizabeth's ufual vigour and forefight did not appear in this tranfacYion." HumeVHift. Vol. V. p. 80. The following poflage from Holinfhed fhews that the Queen kept her word in fending a fpeedy fupply : " The fourteenth of July Sir Hugh Paulet, Knyght, landed at Newhaven, bringing with him eight hundred foldiers out of Wiltfhire and Glou- cefterfhire," p. 1203, which was the laft fupply the garrifon received. A particular account of two flurmifhes with the Rhingtave and his foldiers on the 2ld of May and the 5th of June, may be feen in Holinfhed, Vol. III. p. 1201, 1202. It is probable that the latter is alluded to in this letter. The biftorian obferves " that Englishmen verily in thys fervice fhewed that they were nothing degenerated from the auntiente race of theyr nobile progenitors. " S. L. the

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