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288 Mr. Combes Observations on a

Among the praifes which Pindar confers upon Xenocrates, in his fecond Ifthmian Ode, is that of his breeding horfes. re

  • Ej/ notveXXcivcav [g] vd

In Montfaucon's Diarium Italicum, p. ii, are reprefented two funeral monuments, each having the figure of a horfe, the one with trappings, the other facing a pillar, on which are fome branches of palm, and near it the word Noricus. As both monuments were creeled to the memory of, Knights, there can be little doubt but that the horfes were added to mark fome military diftindtion. Con- cerning the palm in the laft mentioned monument Montfaucon has given us the following obfervation : " Equus fculptus habetur ad palmam cur r ens, cum infer iptione Noricus, quiafcilicet dominus atque ejjor ilk vecJus palmam retuliffet" In the Mufeum Worfleyianum, p. 39, is a Grecian monument, reprefenting a young man feated on a horfe which faces a column or altar, on which is feen a Pine, from which circumftance it is no difficult matter to account for the appearance of the horfe, as the Pine was one of the rewards conferred upon thofe who had con- quered at the games. As the iota fubfcribed was very early in ufe, and alfo continued in ufe for a very long time, nothing decifive can be gained from it re- were divided into three clafles. The firft confided of the wsyr'axotnofxg&fx.yoj, fo called from the quantity of land which they cultivated ; the fecond of the nr&ssf, who, as be- ing rich, provided horfes for the fervice of the country by an exprefs law j the third of the fyyirou, who were not eligible to the offices of magiftracy, and were inferior to the two former. [g] Commendatlo a Jludio aliturte equorutn, quam ex lege curabat. Erat enlm Gnecis communis lex, qua ditioribus necejjum erat equosalere ad P atria uttlitatem. Aretii Comment. in Find, p 507. lative

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