Copy of an Original Manuscript touching the
forth of it as aforesaide, for thistells of all other weedes by one yeares groeth doth spoile the grounde for many yeares after for good cornn to growe thereon, and therefore speciallie to bee lookede into in tyme as the seasone of the yeare serveth.
In these monthes is barlie to bee looked and rollede that it may lie smooth and playne, for that graine is most tender of all other to bee brought to perfection.
Julie, Auguste.
Firste, in these monthes it is tyme to looke for mowinge of grasse and convertinge the same into haye, which beinge once cut downe is to bee carefullie and dilligentlie attended untill it bee eather in the barnne or staccke, which before is not in safetie, and then to (be) well husbandede untill the winter followinge, that it bee expendede at the discection of the fteward of houshoulde, or the bailife of husbandrie, and foe to bee bistowed in such and so many severall places as the said stewarde and bailiefe in theire discretions thinke meete.
In these monthes, vidz. Auguste, it is fitt to waynne lambes from the yeows, and to provide good grounde to pasture them in that they may bee in good strenght before winter doe aproache, and then they are further to bee provided for and sortede by themselves in freshe pasture before the other sortes of sheepe, at the stewardes discretion, and so to continue till the springe followinge, and then to bee putt to the ordinarie houldinge sheepe.
In these monthes is cornn to bee mornne or mowen downe, as it is ripe, of all sortes whatsoever, and such cornn to bee gott into the barnnes or stackes as in the discretion of the stewarde of houshouldeshal