Hayman Rooke, Efq. Mr.RobertWilkinfon of Cornhill, by Dr.Wil- kinfon. Dr. Maton, William Boteler, Efq, Henry Emclyn, Efq. Thomas Ryder, Efq. Dr. Maton. Samuel Lyfons, Efq. Di- re&or. By an Anonymous Au- thor. Owen Salufbury Brere- ton, Efq. V. P. Rev. Mark Noble. Profefibr Tychfen, by Francis Douce, Efq. James Moore, Efq. Hayman Rooke, Efq. The Literary and Philo- fophical Society of Manchcfler. Mr. C. Nefbit. Rev. Dr. Barrow. His Defcription of the Great Oak in Salcey Foreft, 1797, Nottingham, 8vo. A Kb, His Meteorological Regifter from 1795 totheend of 1796, 8vo. Antique Remains from the Parifh Church of St. Martin Outwich, London, 1797, 410. Two Drawings, one reprefenting the appearance of Stonehenge before, the other its appearance fince the late fall of one of the Trilithons. An engraved View of Eaftry Church. A Propofition by him for a New Order in Archi- tecture, with Rules for Drawing the feveral Parts, 1797, folio. Some North American Antiquities of great cu- riofity. Obfervations (by him) relative chiefly to the Na- tural Hiftory, Picturefque Scenery, and Anti- quities of the Weftern Counties of England, Sa- lifbury, 1797, 2 vols. 8vo. An Account of Roman Antiquities difcovered at: Woodchefter Co. Gloucefter, London, 1797, folio. " A Proof of the Antient Hiftory of Ireland," ^ 1797, 8vo. Engraving of one of the four Sides of the Tomb of Pericles, in his Mufeum. Lives of the E'.:gli(h Regicides, &c. 1798, 8vo 2 VOls. Lucubratio de Cuneatis Infcriptionibus Perfepoli- tanis, Roftochii, '798, 4to. A Lift (by him) of the- Principal Caftles and Mo- naftcries in Great Britain, London, 1798, 8vo. His Meteorological Regifter from 1796 to the end of 1797, Nottingham, 8vo. Firft Part of the Fifth. Volume of their Memoirs,. 8vo. 1798. A North View of St. Nicholas Church in New- caftle upon Tyne, engraved by him on Wood. Sermon preached by him before the St. James's. Loyal Volunteers, March 7, 179.8.