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Croffes, and Crucifixes. 21?

given accounts and engravings of feveral fepulchral croflcs which were creeled in early times ; that at St. Clements near Truro in Cornwall, which he fuppofes to be Roman-Britim, the infcription being in Roman capitals, and that the figure of the crofs cut on the top of the ftone is of later date than the infcription. A mile from Caftle Dor is a broken crofs, which is fuppofed to be of the fixth or feventh century. In the parim of Madern near Lanyon is a fepulchral crofs nine feet ten inches long. Mr. Borlace fuppofes that this crofs was infcribed before the middle of the fixth century. He alfo defcribes feveral fepulchral crofTes in Cornwall as late as the ninth century. There i? a curious ftone -crofs now thrown down, which ferves as a foot-bridge near Margam in Pembrokefhire, with the following infcription, which I take to be as old as the latter end of the ninth century. " Ilci fecit hanc Crucem in Nomine D "Summi [/]". Sepulchral crofles continued to be erected in the north of Scotland and in Ireland till the laft century. There is a curious one at Kilavoir in Argylelhire, with this infcription " Hec eft Crux Alefandri Mac Mule," and on the oppofite fide is a reprefentation. of Chrift crucified []. At the abbey of Sligo are two fepulchral croffes of the fixteenth century [x]. Near Oon Dw in the province of Leinfter in Ireland is a crofs of freeftone four feet fix inches high, creeled in 1605, and another in 1631, as appears by their infcrip- tions ji], [/] See PL XVII. fig. 2. j>] See PI. XVIIJ %.^T j>J Sec?]. XVIII. fig. i, 2. [y'] See PI. XVIII. fig. 3, 4. VOL. XIII. F i SECT.

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