Order and Government of a Nobleman's House, &c.
The Yeoman of the Scollerie his Office.
Hee is to receave his chardge from the clarkd or comptroller, vidz. silver and peuter vessell, of all sortes, and that the silver vessell bee after everie meale gathered togeather, that hee have his whole nomeber; and if hee wannte any of them, to inquiere for them, and to acquante the clarcke therewith, for his better assistantes therein, and likewise his peuter everie other daie, at the leaste. Hee is too have his vessel cleane and well kepte, that they may be reddie at calle for the lordes service, and not to bee dressinge them when the lorde is to bee servide, for the vessel cominge hotte from the water they bee clensed in, and presentlie to bee servide, is neather good nor wholesome; and is to see that the sauces in his charge bee good and servicable, vidz. viniger, verges, and mustarde.
The Catore his Chardge.
Hee is to receave monye of the clarke weekelie, or otherwise, as occasion serveth, and is to receave a note in writinge from the clarke, what hee mall buye for ordynarie provisions. Hee is to inquire and looke for in the countrie, as hee travelleth, what dainties there bee, as younge chickines, pidgeons, or such like, at the first comminge of them, and likewise for fowle and fishe, of all sortes, accordinge to the seasonne of the yeare, and to bee acquanted with such foullers and fishers, as bee the best takers of foule and fishe, to bee accostomede with them, so shall hee bee the best servide, and before others; and to have a speciall care that such dead foule and fishe, as hee buyeth, bee newe taken, sweete and goode, for ells it is not serviceable, but monye loste, so bis- towede. Hee is to accompte with the clarcke, as occasion servith, and to take his directions from him.