I C} 1L ' . XX. Obfervations on Stone Pillars, Croffes; and Cru- cijixeS) by Thomas Aftle, Efq. F. R. S. and F. A. S. ac/ In a Letter to the Prefident. i?t ^ Qd ^ , thtil no o i lifiifV I ^rtinilu'y nwofijlnw v/on I!ii Read Jan. n, 1798. 3 bnc f:>3^T f^jTi^ fbrr: oHj ::< MY LORD, PERMIT me to lay before you the following obfervations on ere& ftone pillars, crofles, and crucifixes. The drawings here- with tranfmitted to your lordihip were fele&ed by me from two vo- lumes of drawings of Antiquities collected by John Anftis the El- der, Efq. Garter King at Arms, to which he prefixed the following title : " Imagines feu figurae Variarum Infcriptionum praecipue Sepulchralium, Lapidum in orbes difpofitorum ; Subftruclionum, quas Walli Kromlech et Kiftvean nominant, Cipporum, quos Cruces dicimus Caftrorum feu Caftrametationum Antiquarum in Anglia, Scotia et Hibernia Cura Johannis Anftis Fecialium Principis cognomento